GedCom Builder
Information, updates, tips and other useful tidbids to get the most out of GedCom Builder
Version Information
Lastest Release: 3.0.8766
Release Date : 1 January 2024
Using GedCom Builder for the first time
If you are a newcomer to GedCom Builder , welcome.
Should you run into difficulties or need some guidance feel free to email us.
User Guide
To assist in getting the best out of GedCom Builder consult the User Guide. This online edition always contains information on the latest changes to GedCom Builder and hints on what to do when things go astray.
Frequently Asked Questions
Limitations of the Basic Edition
The Basic Edition of Gedcom Builder is limited to 20 records.
If a spreadsheet containing more rows than 20 rows is loaded on the first 20 rows will be read by GedCom Builder. A Premium Edition license is required to enable the loading of an an entire spreadsheet.
Does the load spreadsheet need to be in a special format.
Yes. To ensure that the load spreadsheet is correctly formatted select the menu open FILE > CREATE A LOAD SHEET to generate a spreadsheet in the required format.